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发表于 2005-5-7 03:14:14 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
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<TD colSpan=2 width="100%"><FONT color=#0000ff face=隶书 size=6>
< align=center>格言与幽默</FONT></P></TD></TR>
<TD width="90%"><FONT color=#800000 face=宋体>
< align=center> (点击<IMG src="http://www1.ctgu.edu.cn/wgyxy/pic/key.gif">看中文解释)</P></FONT></TD>
<TD align=right width="10%"><FONT face=宋体>
< align=center><a href="http://www1.ctgu.edu.cn/wgyxy/fpdb/jcyy7.htm" target="_blank" >继续</A> </FONT></P></TD></TR></TABLE><FONT face=宋体> </FONT>
<TABLE align=center background=../pic/back.gif width=700>

<TD bgColor=#fff0fa width=715><FONT face=宋体><FONT color=#000080> ★ One careless move loses the whole game.  </FONT>
<DD><FONT color=#000080> 一着不慎,满盘皆输。</FONT> </DD></DIV></FONT></TD></TR>
<TD bgColor=#fff0fa width=715><FONT face=宋体><FONT color=#000080> ★ Distance lends enchantment to the view.  </FONT>
<DD><FONT color=#000080> 远观很迷人,近看现瑕疵。 </FONT> </DD></DIV></FONT></TD></TR>
<TD bgColor=#fff0fa width=715><FONT face=宋体><FONT color=#000080> ★ One became the victor and the other hid in a corner of the yard. </FONT>
<DD><FONT color=#000080> 胜者王侯败者贼。</FONT> </DD></DIV></FONT></TD></TR>
<TD bgColor=#fff0fa width=715><FONT face=宋体><FONT color=#000080> ★ Give him an inch and he'll take a yard.  </FONT>
<DD><FONT color=#000080> 得寸进尺。</FONT> </DD></DIV></FONT></TD></TR>
<TD bgColor=#fff0fa width=715><FONT face=宋体><FONT color=#000080> ★ Say well is good ,but do well is better. </FONT>
<DD><FONT color=#000080> 说的好虽好,做的好更好。 </FONT> </DD></DIV></FONT></TD></TR>
<TD bgColor=#fff0fa width=715><FONT face=宋体><FONT color=#000080> ★ Do as you would be done by.  </FONT>
<DD><FONT color=#000080> 想让别人如何待你,你就必须如何待别人。</FONT> </DD></DIV></FONT></TD></TR>
<TD bgColor=#fff0fa width=715><FONT face=宋体><FONT color=#000080> ★ Better lose a jest than a friend.  </FONT>
<DD><FONT color=#000080> 宁失一虐,不失一友;莫因玩笑伤感情。</FONT> </DD></DIV></FONT></TD></TR>
<TD bgColor=#fff0fa width=715><FONT face=宋体><FONT color=#000080> ★ The fox may grow grey, but never good.  </FONT>
<DD><FONT color=#000080>   狐狸活到老,永远难变好。</FONT> </DD></DIV></FONT></TD></TR>
<TD bgColor=#fff0fa width=715><FONT face=宋体><FONT color=#000080> ★ In life's earnest battle they only prevail, who daily march onward and never say fail.  </FONT>
<DD><FONT color=#000080> 在人生的战场中,唯有日日前进不屈不挠始能获胜。</FONT> </DD></DIV></FONT></TD></TR>
<TD bgColor=#fff0fa width=715><FONT face=宋体><FONT color=#000080> ★ Dog bark before they bite. </FONT>
<DD><FONT color=#000080> 恶行之前有恶声。</FONT> </DD></DIV></FONT></TD></TR>
<TD bgColor=#fff0fa width=715><FONT face=宋体><FONT color=#000080> ★ He that respects not is not respected.  </FONT>
<DD><FONT color=#000080> 欲受人敬,要先敬人。</FONT> </DD></DIV></FONT></TD></TR>
<TD bgColor=#fff0fa width=715><FONT face=宋体><FONT color=#000080> ★ Blessed is he that expects nothing, for he shall never be disappointed. </FONT>
<DD><FONT color=#000080> 无奢望者有福,因其永不失望。</FONT> </DD></DIV></FONT></TD></TR>
<TD bgColor=#fff0fa width=715><FONT face=宋体><FONT color=#000080> ★ Humor is the shock absorber of life; it helps us take action.  </FONT>
<DD><FONT color=#000080> 幽默是生活的减震器,它可以鼓舞人们付诸于行动。 </FONT> </DD></DIV></FONT></TD></TR>
<TD bgColor=#fff0fa width=715><FONT face=宋体><FONT color=#000080> ★ If opportunity doesn't knock then build a door. </FONT>
<DD><FONT color=#000080>  机遇不来时,赶快装扇门。</FONT> </DD></DIV></FONT></TD></TR>
<TD bgColor=#fff0fa width=715><FONT face=宋体><FONT color=#000080> ★ An egg should not wrestle with a rock.  </FONT>
<DD><FONT color=#000080> 鸡蛋决不要拿石头碰。 </FONT> </DD></DIV></FONT></TD></TR>
<TD bgColor=#fff0fa width=715><FONT face=宋体><FONT color=#000080> ★ Without entering the tiger's lair, how can one catch the tiger's cub?  </FONT>
<DD><FONT color=#000080>   不入虎穴,焉得虎子? </FONT> </DD></DIV></FONT></TD></TR>
<TD bgColor=#fff0fa width=715><FONT face=宋体><FONT color=#000080> ★ Mind your own affairs.  </FONT>
<DD><FONT color=#000080> 少管闲事。</FONT> </DD></DIV></FONT></TD></TR></TABLE>
发表于 2005-9-12 03:51:07 | 显示全部楼层

发表于 2006-11-16 06:01:20 | 显示全部楼层
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