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发表于 2003-11-18 05:28:15 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
·Aphrodite(阿芙罗蒂德 爱欲之神): Aphrodite governs desire and sexuality. She is also known as Cytherea, Cypris, and Venus (Roman). She is often pictured with a sceptre or a mirror.

·Apollo(阿波罗 太阳神): Apollo is associated principally with music, prophecy, sickness, and medicine. He is also known as Phoebus Apollo and is called the Far Shooter and the Pythian. (He has no separate Roman name.) His attributes in iconography are the cithara, or sometime the lyre, the bow, the fawn, and the tripod. He is often depicted with his sister, Artemis

·Ares(阿瑞斯 战神): Ares is the god of war and conflict and is the husband of Aphrodite. He is also known as Mars (Roman). Ares is depicted as a warrior but, as he has no unique attributes in iconography, he can only be identified by context or inscription.

·Artemis(阿耳忒弥斯 月神狩猎神): Artemis is the goddess of the hunt and animals, as well as of childbirth. She is also known as Diana (Roman). Her attributes in iconography include the bow and the fawn. She often appears with her brother, Apollo.

·Athene(雅典娜 智慧神): Athene (also spelled Athena) is the patron of wisdom, military victory, and women's crafts. She is the one who leaped up from the top of Zeus’s head. She is also known as Tritogeneia and Minerva (Roman) and is also called Pallas Athene. Her attributes in iconography include the aegis (a fringed cloak, sometimes decorated with a Gorgon's head), the helmet, and the spear.

·Demeter(得墨忒耳 农神): Demeter is the giver of grain. She is also known as Ceres (Roman) and sometimes Deo. Her attributes in iconography can include a torch, a crown, a sceptre, and stalks of grain. She is often portrayed with her daughter, Persephone/Kore.

·Hades(哈得斯 冥神阎王): Hades is the god of the underworld. He is also known as Pluto, Plouton, Dis (Roman), and Aidoneus. His attributes in iconography are the cornucopia and the sceptre.

·Hera(赫拉 天后婚姻神): As the wife (and sister) of Zeus, Hera is the patron of marriage. She is also known as Juno (Roman). She has no unique attributes in iconography and so can only be identified by context or inscription.

·Hermes(赫耳墨斯 商神幸运神): Hermes' main role is as a messenger but he has many other functions as well. He is also known as Mercury (Roman) and Argeiphontes (Slayer of Argos). His attributes in iconography include the kerykeion (messenger's staff), winged boots, and petassos (cap).

·Persephone(珀尔塞福涅 冥后): Persephone is the Queen of the Underworld and the daughter of Demeter. She is also known as Proserpine (Roman), and Kore, which is also transliterated as Core or Cora and translated as the Maid or the Maiden. Her attributes in iconography can include a torch, a crown, a sceptre, and stalks of grain.

·Poseidon(波塞冬 海神): Poseidon is the god of the sea. He is also known as Neptune (Roman) and the Earth-shaker. His attributes in iconography include the trident and the fish.

·Zeus(宙斯 天王): Zeus is the ruler of the Olympian gods. He is also known as Jupiter and Jove (both Roman). His attributes in iconography include the lightning bolt, the eagle, and the sceptre.
 楼主| 发表于 2003-11-18 05:28:50 | 显示全部楼层
Some phrases relate to mythology: (源于神话的片语)

Achilles’ heel:唯一弱点。希腊神话Achilles 的母亲Thetis想让儿子刀枪不入而把他浸到冥河(The Styx)中,但她捏住的脚后跟没浸到水,因而还是有懈可击。后Achilles在特洛伊战争中被特洛伊王子Paris用箭射中脚后跟而死。现用在网络中多指安全漏洞。

The apple of discord: 祸根,争端 Thetis和Peleus 结婚时未邀请纠纷女神Eris,于是Eris 在举行婚礼时在诸神和女神之间投下一个刻有“献给最美的女人”的金苹果引起争端,特洛伊王子Paris将苹果判给了阿芙罗蒂德,从而间接导致了特洛伊战争。

Argus-eyed: 警惕的,目光敏锐的Argus是守护艾奥的百眼巨人,后被赫耳墨斯Hermes所杀。

Caught between the Scylla and Charybdis : 腹背受敌,进退两难。英雄奥德修斯Odysseus在返乡途中在墨西拿the Strait of Messina遇到的两个怪物。

Delphic utterance 含糊不清的回答。正是由于在Delphi阿波罗神庙中得到这个神喻,才使Thebes的国王Laius抛弃亲生儿子Oedipus,最终导致悲剧的发生。

Halcyon Days: 冬至前后十四天风平浪静的日子; 太平日子, 安乐幸福的日子Halcyon是相传冬至时能使海平面平静的翠鸟

Herculean effort : 艰巨的任务,原指大力神Hercules(意为为天后Hera所害建立功勋的人)为阿耳戈斯王Eurystheus服役时所接受的12项任务(12 labors)。

Midas touch : 点金术。Midas 是Phrygia国王,爱财,能点物成金

Oedipus complex 恋母情结。 Oedipus原意脚肿者(被发现时双脚被绑而肿),由于在Delphi神庙中得到神喻,被父母(Thebes的国王Laius和王后Jocasta)所弃。后被Corinth国王Polybus收养。长大后应验杀死生父,解开了斯芬克司之迷(The riddle of the Sphinx)而成为Thebes国王,并娶生母为妻。后又在神喻中知晓身世,痛苦中自刺瞎双眼流浪异乡而死。这一悲剧经常出现在西方的文艺作品中。Oedipus complex则是由此发展的心理学名词,意为恋父或恋母导致的心理障碍。

On the knees of the gods:尚未可知,人力所不及。源出神话中掌握人命运的三女神the fatal sisters。三女神纺羊毛线时,纺锤在膝盖上。

Pandora's box 潘朵拉之盒。Pandora是Zeus为惩罚盗火的Prometheus命火神Hephaestus创造的凡间第一个女人,她携带的盒子装满众神所赠恶礼,是灾祸的根源

Pierian Spring 灵感的源泉,诗泉。马其顿海滨Pieria一个奉献给缪斯的泉

procrustean bed:削足适履,杀头便冠,强求一致 源自 Procrustes,希腊神话中的巨人,他将俘虏拔长或截肢以使他们与床齐长

siren song:英雄奥德修斯Odysseus返乡途中在siren岛附近听到的海妖的歌声,比喻极具诱惑力的声音或事物

Struck by Cupid's arrow 中爱神之箭,坠入爱河

Thyestean banquet : 人肉宴 [希神]Thyestes诱奸其弟Atreus的妻, Atreus为报复, 杀死Thyestes的三个儿子, 烹煮设宴请他

To climb Parnassus : 艺术创作尤其是诗歌创作。Parnassus 希腊南部山峰名, 传说为太阳神阿波罗及诗神缪斯的灵地, 希腊传说中的诗人之山
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